Choose the Right Publication Type to Publish Your Conference Contributions with Google Scholar Indexing

Conference Proceedings
Publish conference proceedings through the AIJR Proceedings series as an Edited Volume that can include full-length peer-reviewed articles.
Identifiers: ISSN, ISBN, and DOI for each article
All full-length articles selected through peer-reviewing can be included in the proceeding.
Conference Issue (Special Issue)
Publish a conference special issue in our journal (based on the journal’s scope and research paper topic) that can contain only rigorously reviewed articles.
Identifiers: ISSN and DOI for each article.
The final inclusion of the paper will depend on its quality which can not be committed in advance.
Conference Book of Abstracts
Publish the conference Book of Abstracts as a monograph that may include abstracts/extended abstracts of all presented papers/posters.
Identifiers: ISBN and Single DOI at the book level
Abstracts of all conference contributions can be included in the Abstract Book.
Indexing & Visibility: CrossRef, Google Scholar, Scilit, CORE, OUCI, Dimensions, BASE, OpenAIRE, Semantic Scholar, MIRABEL, ReadCube